The email administrators use these DNSBLs to check if the incoming email is generated or originated from the blacklisted IP address or not. The most common nasty type is spam, but some blacklists focus more on hacking, malware, botnets, etc. There are dozens of DNSBLs available online, and each one has its own set of rules and offensive categories to focus on. All the messages sent from that particular server would either be rejected/flagged by all the websites that use that blacklist to avoid spam. It would include that server in its blacklist. Suppose a maintainer of a blacklist in the past has received any spam from a specific domain. The list is based on Internet's Domain Name System, which converts the IP address into the domain name, and makes it much easier to understand. What is a DNSBL?ĭNSBL stands for Domain Name System Blacklist, is the blacklist that allows the administrator to block the messages from specific IP that has a history of sending spam messages. That overwhelming amount of commercial emails lead to strict blacklisting practices to keep the inboxes spam-free. One estimate concludes that email traffic consists of 80% of spam emails. More precisely, any email you try to send is consequently blocked and filtered as spam. It occurs when a web hosting company ultimately ignores your IP address. IP address blacklisting is the process or method to filter out or block the illegitimate or malicious IP addresses to access your network. There is a high chance that your IP will be on the IP blacklist, which needs to be avoided. Email system providers utilize that database to filter out spam emails before they finally reach the end-users.įor example, if your company uses email marketing and you send out thousands of emails to promote your new product, some of the receivers mark that email as spam. The tool checks whether the given URL, IP address, or email server's IP is listed with DNSBL. It helps to identify IP reputation and email spam.
Check to see if any IP address or an email server IP is blacklisted or not with over fifty plus DNS-based blacklists (DNSBLs).